5-figure ad buy urges states to crack down as China floods market with illicit vapes: ‘Trump was right’
The Protecting America Initiative (PAI), a Trump-aligned anti-CCP group, has launched a five-figure ad encouraging states to crack down against what they call illicit Chinese vapes in order to counter the communist country’s growing influence in the United States.
‘It’s hip, it’s cool, but look closely on the box,’ the new ad from PAI, which describes itself as a coalition of concerned public policy experts dedicated to combating China’s influence, starts out.
‘It says, right there, made in China. New data shows the market is being flooded with unregulated e-cigarettes. Most vape products are made in China, and they’re not always regulated. They’re getting these products from China, where they can be tainted with God knows what. It’s been a struggle to keep illegal e-cigarettes from reaching young people.’
PAI says the ad is meant to remind viewers that ‘Trump in 2019 was right about the dangers of illicit Chinese vapes and of Biden’s failure to protect Americans from these unregulated illicit products.’
‘You watch prohibition, you look at, you know, with the alcohol, if you don’t give it to them, it’s going to come here illegally. But instead of legitimate companies, good companies, making something that’s safe, they’re going to be selling stuff on a street corner that could be horrible,’ Trump is quoted as saying in the ad.
The ad will run on digital platforms in targeted markets across the country.
‘Despite the warnings, Biden failed and China won,’ the ad states. ‘Trump predicted this.’
‘States are taking action against illicit Chinese vapes. More state leaders can act now to fight with Trump against illicit Chinese vapes.’
Although the rate of youth smoking cigarettes is now at an all-time low, according to the CDC, youth usage of Chinese vapes has increased dramatically since 2020.